Nazca Plains Hand and Glove: Hell (A Boner Book) by Bob E. Genz

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Hand and Glove: Hell (A Boner Book) by Bob E. Genz
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Hand and Glove: Hell
(A Boner Book)
by Bob E. Genz

For the past few years, Bob E. Genz has been feeding me, chapter by chapter, this magnum opus of SM and fantasy. I would wait, eagerly, then almost additively, for him to twist and torque each ongoing storyline to his satisfaction, offering help and advice along the way. What you hold here is a fantasy so all consuming, diabolical, and thorough that I am proud to say I may have had a fraction of an ounce (or maybe a few CC's, if you know what I mean) of contribution to. What you hold in your leather-gloved hands is the first third of a trilogy that I think will go down in time as a fetish classic. Prepare yourself to get hooked on the saga of CASTLE Enterprises, Master Bruce Hunter and slave 9-745.